Saturday, December 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Cowboy (Short story)
The dream of a young farmer boy, Billy was his name. He would stand by the fence and watch the cowboys ride the bulls. Man vs Beast. Billy watch's with his eyes wide open to see if the cowboy stepping in the shoot.. The beast is strong and fierce, Cowboys line up to take and 8 second ride, a chance to the best by staying on. Billy boy watches and waits for his turn to tackle the Bulls. He tips his hat in salute to the bulls as he throws another cowboy in to the dust.
By Nathan Lanahm.jpg)
By Nathan Lanahm

Stereographic is a 3D images. This was a illusion that was created by the taking two 2D images and merging the to together with your eye when you looked though a Stereoscope. It was invented by Sir Charles Wheatstone in 184o. Stereographic photography (or stereo photography for short) involves taking two slightly different pictures of the same scene so that viewing the images will give you the 3D look. There are different whats to look at a stereographic and that is you can cross your eyes or view the images through a stereoscope, 3D glass will give the same affect. try this image it is fun.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
True Blue Aussie.
Icons and Archive, War memorial

Love the old images of the war . Where would we be with out Doc photography this is a great exsample of how photography is so powerful through an Image. I like the images by Frank Hurley, even if the historyians dont see it as capture in the truth in one image it was the truth that he Hurley him self sore. and felt that this was the best was to express it. he was not just a photographer he was and artist and the camera was his brush the sence his canvas.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Black soil.
EEEEEEEEES where are they.?
I liked this assingment as it was harder for me to just photograph a building and then make it fit the text that silva gave us. Yes i had to use my creative mind well the small part of my brain that dare i say creative but i really enjoyed the challenge that was put forward. to move out of my comfort zone and expolore some thing new really enjoyed this. So i was in the frame of mind that the guy was sleep walking and the E's where every where.

http://http://www.m16artspace.com/I liked the larger images of of dan oday love the space that he leaves in the photo of the chair. I have see a better printed version of this though.. square format really gives you an love veiw of the image.
Pinhole at parliarment house.
I liked this,...... What to say well did you get a look at the black and white prints, this is why i still like shooting film. Rich blacks and a greater tonal range, what more do you need in
is what attracts me to this images.
is what attracts me to this images.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Beyond Reasonable Drought
This is a sad image of the real life witch framer are struggleing with now and for the past seven year. I really loved the photos from a Photographer side of this but it breck my heart to see that this is what is happen right now. Being a farmer son i know the pain that you can see in the picture this is real and serious as it gets. From a photography veiw i loved the way they place a short text with the image. I fond that the image was very strong but with the text it spocke volumes. I like the fact that some cared enough and can also see the pain and desperation that faces the farming community today,and wanted to show the rest of us..http://http//www.beyondreasonabledrought.noelb.com/MAP/index.html
Photo by map photographers

Photo by map photographers

Monday, September 8, 2008
Strike a pose
This was funny can you believe the pants that come up under your are pits no thanks.
I really like the way that is was shoot. The few on the clothing was strong and clean there was little distraction from the clothing that was being shown.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Wild place Richard Green
Just amazing to see, great colours of the top end of Australia and not just of Ayers Rock. Wow What a shit time Richard must have trying to get to the remote places to Photographer? who would wont a job like that . I tell you who me, I think i should give him a call and See if he need a a camera bitch on his next trip. Love that the prints where done on the aluminum i like this style of printing. I would love to be doing landscape like this in the future.
Modern Vision Charles bayliss
This is a great collection of fine black and white image. I think that Charles Bayliss really captured the austrailan country makeing it make in the world.l love the fact that they are so close and place that i have see and traveled to in and are the our local area. Lots of great image of the landscape. A great exibition to see full of great local imges that you can relate to. I love the image with the natives going fishing or hunting. It is a greatly composed shoot and something abot just stands out to me.
Photo by charles Bayliss.
Friday, August 22, 2008
The Gambler
Photos By Nathan Lanham

This is my favorite song. This is the song that my old school mate would sing every time we went out and most of the time we would be doing it at Jackson bar on north born avenue . As mates we would sing this song loud and proud that we where country at heart. This was our life at the age of 19. As I only found out not so long ago that the song that we, as young teenagers thought was just of mate ship, turns out to be a song about life and not actual about gambling itself. All though live is a gamble hence the song. As we have found out. I loved this challenge I would love to be able to play the whole song with images to match the words with my own interpretation of the words and the feelings that i get from the song. maybe a small Chirs Morrison. Not time laps but a still image sound track. I encourage everyone to listen to the song.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The fuji ACMP Australian photographers Collection 10
What an inspiring and challenging exhibition. This really get the mind thinking about how you are going to get that perfectly created image that will last a life time. I bought book 10. I don't think that it will be the last. I love the architectural shoots by Tim Griffith.http://www.timgriffith.com/home.asp WoW the line in this is every thing that i look for in a Photo. I Will be giving Mr Griffith a call. Something I would love to be able to do in my photography. Just amazing work. The composure of the image really makes you look at the whole image with the lines as your tour guide. I love it.

Photo by Tim Griffith Pg 108 The fuji ACMP Australian Photographers Collection 10

Photo by Tim Griffith Pg 108 The fuji ACMP Australian Photographers Collection 10
Picture Paradise Asia-Pacfic photography 1840s--1940
This was a joy, honour. I could have spent hours looking at all the images. The greatest thing was the detail in the photos - it was superb. Amazing sharpness and qualitiy from the large plates used in this time (19th century; plate size 18" x 22"). Panoramic of Sydney was an eye stopper. Also to seeing Ansel Adams in the flesh - Wow - I want one. There was a lot to think of and to try and incorporate into my own work, but I was content with just enjoying the remarkable images. The Chinese or Japanese hand painted photo where just ... a pleasure to look at. 19th centuary Photo Shop at its best... PS eat your heart out.http://nga.gov.au/Exhibition/PictureParadise/Default.cfm?MnuID=2&GalID=5
Symptom recital By Dorothy Parker
Photos by Nathan Lanham
Symptom recital by Dorothy Parker
I do not like my state of mind; I'm bitter, querulous, unkind. I hate my legs, I hate my hands, I do not yearn for lovelier lands, I dread the dawn's recurrent light; I hate to go to bed at night. I snoot at simple, earnest folk. I cannot take the gentlest joke. I find no peace in paint or type. My world is but a lot of tripe, I'm disillusioned, empty-breasted, For what I think, I'd be arrested. I am not sick, I am not well, My quondam dreams are shot to hell, My soul is crushed, my spirit sore; I do not like me any more. I cavil, quarrel, grumble, grouse, I ponder on the narrow house, I shudder at the thought of men,,,. I'm due to fall in love again.

I do not like my state of mind; I'm bitter, querulous, unkind. I hate my legs, I hate my hands, I do not yearn for lovelier lands, I dread the dawn's recurrent light; I hate to go to bed at night. I snoot at simple, earnest folk. I cannot take the gentlest joke. I find no peace in paint or type. My world is but a lot of tripe, I'm disillusioned, empty-breasted, For what I think, I'd be arrested. I am not sick, I am not well, My quondam dreams are shot to hell, My soul is crushed, my spirit sore; I do not like me any more. I cavil, quarrel, grumble, grouse, I ponder on the narrow house, I shudder at the thought of men,,,. I'm due to fall in love again.

When i read this poem, it made me think of life's up's and down's. The roller coster ride of life. No roller coster in Canberra, so I thought that stair's would be the nexted best thing to show this analogy. With stairs there is a way up, a way down and even a middle, life never ending journey
Canberra Contemporary art space Gorman house.

What the?????????
Yes this was and experiment in deed, but I think that this experiment blew up in their face; so back to the drawing board guys. I'm trying to find something that I can use from this exhibition. The only thing that was good is the space that it was in (great space to use for an exhibition). Or maybe it is to make sure that I take good images, so you don't have to cover up a crap image with a crap square.
Iddid Djura

This was sad to see. Where a great idea of a documentary Photography is ruined by a pour effort that went into the framing. Silvia You are right "colour mount what a disaster" And she had all the colours of the rain bow and they are looked wrong. I also think that some of the image's would have be a stronger message in black and white "Old Bill". http://www.csiro.au/events/IddidDjura.html
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Compressed & Interval @ Photo access.

Compressed This was a great idea and a well presented piece. I liked the shot of the street scenes with the star light Street lights looked very cool. The star trace was all as very good. Time lap Photo is something that i don't think i will use, but it is good to have options..
Interval On the other hand was in you face with great colour moody and theatrical image that where something that i could look at for a long time. The composition of the image combined with the movement and brilliant colour made this stand out. I like the idea of projecting image on to people and scenes to get a desired effect. Printing the image on the glossy and mounting on the alumion is a cool way to show this. I will be looking in to this type of mounting, for sure.
Photo by Bryan Dawe
Saturday, August 9, 2008
In Search of th Hero JORGE DEUSTUA

I really enjoyed this. At first i didn't like the way he had done his printing ( the pixels). But then the work started to grow on me. The more i looked at it and the help of the photographer him self Jorge Deustua, telling us all about the work and why he shoot it in the way he did, made me look at the work, through new eyes. (So mental note to-self, that you can't all ways expect your viewers to no exactly what you are showing them. You can use this in many different way, to hide some thing and hope they find it or you can help them with a brief text about the image). I found it really help me understand his work, the more the spoke about the reason behind the image. Then i could enjoy it on a better level then, when my first thoughts. When i had finished talking to him i had forgot about the frame and was thinking about hoe i could use some ideas in my work, and that it was a great exhibition. Oh and that i need to get a 6x6 medium format. I really enjoy the format size of the 6x6. I think that it really added to the image and spoke boldly to you as the viewer. The idea of the two images together was a fun idea and got the view involved with the exhibition. This would be a great way for people to remember your exhibition. You are giving them a visual and active stimulants to remember you by. Over all i loved the social doc by Jorge and really enjoyed his talk.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Caged Bird By Maya Angelou

This is a cool poem. My first thoughts where to go out and photograph rich and poor. I was planing on doing this by useing real estate to show this. A poor run down house (which i found on the way out of Canberra near the airport)and a wealthy house on mugga way. Then i thought about the end part of the poem (if i can call it that for a poem) I got the feeling that see was writing about a song of hope. So how can we photograph hope?. What image's mean hope? How can we show hope in an image? So i decided to try and show it through hand gestures. Two hands together in prayar, the peace sign and closed raised fist.These are not all shot yet.
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