The idea of this shoot was to have the banana in the spot light like a singer or some one performing on stage. But when you peel the banana and stand it up it looks like will you know a big penis. So plans change and i think i something good out of this.
This was inspired by Tegan Payne. In the first year of this course we had to do presentation methods. Tegan had a photo that was printed on silk and had alight shining on the back ground that changed colour. She was saying that the colour could control the mood and feeling of the images. SO i photographed the skin of a banana with different back grounds. This is what I come up with.
The lighting set of this shoot was an snot an a boom.
Colour gels over a p70 with a medium grid, this was shoot on the 70-200mm f2.8 lens to help compress the back ground.
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