Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Eggs who would have thought

Banana shoot


First thing to do was to scout out building that I wonted to photography.
- Southern Cross Station
- Web bridge
- Federation Square
- Museum of Melbourne
- ACCA state theater
- State Theater
The out line of the shoot
These building will be all shoot with natural light in the early morning or late aftenoon.
But nathan being nathan most of the shoot will done in the middle of the day. Give of that great hard light and throwing heavy shadow. That's what I love..
- I will have to contact the building to see if i can get access to the roof ( Southern Cross Station)
- Things to think about when in Melbourne is that you can have four season on one day there. So i have given my self one day spare if the weather is shit.
- Day will be scouting the building and the light where it will fall at what time of day and also find out the details of the building. point of interest and how to get the best shoot .So also find location to shoot from.
Check list
- Book plane
- Book Accommodation
- Camera/lens
- Battery's/filters
- laptop
- map with marked out building
- tripod
- CF card are free.
- A draft of the shoot i would like to get from the building.
Ideas of the shoot that I will take
- Tilt shifting
- Close detail shoot on the things of interest this will be so abstract shoot.
- From a distance to capture the building in the environment that is in.
All pack and readyto go, here I come Melbourne look out.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Meat shoots

Monday, September 6, 2010
Beetroot shot

- Camera
- Lighting gear/(2 x P70, 2 x verso packs, 2 x soft boxes on boom, snot, grids medium)
- sand bags
- Book studio
- Beetroot
- Lighting diagram
- Clear the CF Card
- Light meter
- Fishing line
- Hair ties (thanks Tina)
Friday, September 3, 2010
Waclaw Wantuch Photography
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Architectural Photographer
Hi -------------
I’m a student photographer at CIT and one of our assignments is to do some research on the field of photography that we are interested in. My interests are photographing architecture and food.
I have a few questions about working in this industry and I was hoping that you would have the time to answer some of my questions:
· What got you into photography?
· What inspires you?
· Who has been a mentor for you?
· When you are on the job photographing a building, what is your approach?
· How much input does the designer (Architects) have on how you photograph their building and what part of the building to photograph?
· What has been your favourite building to photograph thus far?
· What is the one thing that you are criticised for in you work as a photographer?
· One last question, as a new photographer to this industry, what would you advise to me to help me get into the industry?
Thank you very much for your time, as I know that you must be busy.
I also have some of my images up on my website and I would appreciate some feedback on them, if possible.
Nathan Lanham
nlp - nathan lanham photography
0402 849 600
Alan Benson

Alan is a Sydney based food and travel photographer. Living in Sydney, Alan has his own studio and gets to travel the world to photograph the food culture of our world. His photographs are used for publisher and food lifestyle books.
Some of the equipment that I notice was brought to the shoot were:
2. Nikon D3 with a range of lenses: Tilt shift 85mm, f2.8 /85mm, f1.8/70-200mm and f2.8.
3. The software that Alan was using was Light Room.
4. Black cards to block light. Reflectors and defuses to defuse the sunlight or flashlight.
5. A tripod was used for all the food shots. The tripod had a cable release.
6. Speed light for the Nikon, with a warming gel.
7. Lots of textured wooden doors, props and cutlery.
8. Glass bricks to shoot the flash through (nice effect).

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Research Development.
- Intro to the documentary
- What is the Industry that i will work in.Who are the main Photographers in this field.?
- Who is your inspiration and technically and conceptually?( Give a critical analysis and example of work. this will be a in depth analysis.
- How is your work historically contextualised/
- What has been your work in process, Techniques, mistakes and Set up and and idea and sketches.
- How Im I going to market my self as a photographer and what plans do i have for the end of year exhibition.
- What is your market plan.
Monday, August 30, 2010
food shot
- Camera/lens/battery
- Laptop/Leads
- Food pumpkin
- Fish tank
- Book studio/ three lights /2xP70 with grids / large soft box on boom/small soft box.
- Bucket
- Towels
- Sketch of lighting diagram
- Tripod
- Reflector/black card/white card
- Cardboard box cut out for dropping control
- Diffuser

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Canberra Architecture
24-70 lens ISO 200, f5.6-1/125
This image was shot from a distant with a long lens and with an over cast weather and the sun was setting in the distant, leaving the glow on the windows of the building and a mid gray sky.
- Canon
- ISO 200
- 200mm
- f16-1sec